I was talking today with some colleagues about the iPad and why you’d want an iPad. We’ve realised, eventually, that it’s more useless then a rock. And that if the rock had 3G, it would be the best thing ever! C’est vrai? See why:

I was talking today with some colleagues about the iPad and why you’d want an iPad. We’ve realised, eventually, that it’s more useless then a rock. And that if the rock had 3G, it would be the best thing ever! C’est vrai? See why:
I’ve pimped out my Facebook Profile for the event!
And beside that, I’ve listened again and again to the Glorious 3 first albums of the band. Now preparing Threshold for tommorow and I’m guessing they will sing at least 2 songs from it. It was a breakthrough album. Listened to it +100 times, as with the first 3 albums by HammerFall.
Long Live Oscar Dronjak and Joacim Cans. They are the essence of HF.
florinmuresan:I’m the Chief Branding Officer of cif2.net, Branding Officer of cifnet.ro and I have over 1,401 connections on Linkedin.com http://www.linkedin.com/in/florinmuresan I want to write you a great recommendation on linkedin to get people really interested in your CV. If any of your employers will contact me for further details or confirmation, I’ll do that as well. Get Hired! It’s only a FIVERR to get hired for about $1000. That’s a go-go! (334797)
Ascultand discutia telefonica a colegului meu cu distinsa relationista Loredana Mitran, am realizat ca Orange-ul nu e chiar atat de grav (desi nu e departe) ca si nestimabilul Cosmote. Fundamental Antipatica si patetica de Loredana a inceput sa urle (nu, nu a ridicat tonul, a urlat.) Cred ca a invatat relatii cu clientii in locuri obscure sau in jungla. Una din doua, sau amandoua.
Si aici e ce a spus colegul meu. Eu personal ma gandesc ce cei de la Cosmote isi dau singuri in cap, cu asemenea nesimtiri.
Dupa 2 ani de abonament la Cosmote am fost sa reziliez contractul (ca nu mai aveam nevoie de servicile lor) si totul a decurs normal la Germanos.
Dupa 3 luni ma trezesc cu o notificare de plata pentru cele 3 luni care, cica, nu le-am platit.
Am vorbit cu Loredana Mitran (o nesimtita de la relatii cu clientii) si mi-a spus ca trebuie sa am telefonul deschis dupa reziliere ca la 30 zile am primit mesaj ca rezilierea este respinsa. Cica mai trebuia sa platesc o factura care nu mi-a fost emisa si de care nu stiau cei de la Germanos.
Si acum trebuie sa fac iar cerere de reziliere si sa platesc pe 4 luni abonamentul.
Visit: Evitati reteaua Cosmote si abonamentele lor cu contracte cu probleme, Browsers.
florinmuresan:I’m the Chief Branding Officer of cif2.net, Branding Officer of cifnet.ro and I have over 1,401 connections on Linkedin.com http://www.linkedin.com/in/florinmuresan I want to write you a great recommendation on linkedin to get people really interested in your CV. If any of your employers will contact me for further details or confirmation, I’ll do that as well. Get Hired! It’s only a FIVERR to get hired for about $1000. That’s a go-go! (334797)
Fiul meu, Cristi, s-a bucurat foarte tare cand am ajuns intr-un final in aeroportul din Washington. De aici, la munca. Haha, e o munca buna. Si veti vedea de ce.Ma gandeam pe drum incoace daca afacerea pe care o desfasor impreuna cu sotul meu si prietenii