120,000 / year
36,000 is 6% . It’s a good way to get in on the phone market excitement.

120,000 / year
36,000 is 6% . It’s a good way to get in on the phone market excitement.
So, I’m 33 now and haven’t been too late to making some investments.
Always did say I’d start to invest during 30-40 Years and become an investor. I don’t fancy myself an investor just yet, but it was awesome to realize I’m still on track.
Codenames: Drey and Hero. All I say for now.
Hehe, so look at my new site logo for Florins.co
Now, go ahead and take a look here:
You will see some of the early content on my oldest blog which still exists and is active to this very day:
Ain’t it cool?
Even before it was Florin Muresan and the Squirrly Company, it was still just Florin and the squirrel.
The Cif2.net squirrel.
To this day, it’s still my favorite animal.
On a bit off-topic note: we now have 7 animals living in our house with the 3x of us humans.
Tribal Ink 🙂
This page is all about the “Cif2.net” website, which is a platform for creating websites. You can sign up for free to build your own website and use it to share your passions, ideas and content with the world.
The website offers a range of features, including templates, custom domains, and tools for search engine optimization. There is also a community aspect to the platform, where you can connect with other users, join contests, and interact with friends and businesses.
The “Cif2.net for Business” section is aimed at businesses, and offers the opportunity to reach new clients and find new employees. The website claims to provide a fun and expressive environment with opportunities for rewards and prizes.
The content from the page is about Florin Muresan, who is a startup mentor and SaaS software publisher. He is the Co-Founder and CEO of Squirrly Company, a two-years-in-a-row most awarded software company. The page describes Florin’s journey of becoming a successful tech entrepreneur and startup CEO with a passion for software. The page highlights his skills in founding companies, building teams, securing funding rounds, and his expertise in areas like SEO, email marketing, and product management. A person visiting the page may want to learn about Florin’s background and skills, or may be looking for a mentor in the software industry.
A person can purchase the Everything You Need to Get Your Content Found Bundle from Squirrly for a limited time and save up to 93% on 8 different products. These products help you optimize and promote your content, including automating tasks, analyzing competitor data, improving SEO, and building your personal brand. The bundle also provides security features to protect your work and measures the performance of your content.
Sure! Here’s a content strategy for your personal brand:
By consistently producing high-quality content in a variety of formats, you can establish your personal brand as a go-to resource for online entrepreneurs seeking success through digital personal assistants and AI.
To conduct a daily personal brand audit, you can follow these steps:
In your case, as a startup mentor and SaaS software publisher, you can focus on promoting your expertise in product management, your proprietary technologies, your contributions as a mentor, and your published works and speaking engagements.
Florin Muresan’s personal brand is focused on helping online entrepreneurs achieve success through the use of digital assistants for marketing and AI-based personal assistants. With over 10 years of experience as CEO of Squirrly, a most-awarded software company, Florin has a proven track record in crafting, publishing, and selling 29 successful software products, validated by over 18,900 clients worldwide. His focus is on bridging the gap of desolation in worldwide operations, offering SaaS, AI digital assistants, mentoring, guidance, coaching, and motivation to help clients constantly attract new customers from the internet. As a mentor, speaker, and teacher, Florin shares his expertise and experience through his masterclasses, podcasts, and books, making him the go-to expert for customer development and validation.