Casper Johansen, Danish Entrepreneur in China
18 votes by Winson Wong, Florin Muresan, Niraj Tolia, (more)
There are several sets of ‘standard’ documents which you can consider using or at least reviewing and using as a comparison to a term sheet you get.
1) Y Combinator Series AA:….
2) Series Seed:…
3) TechStars:…
Yokum Taku does a great job at comparing them and explaining pros and cons of using these vs. using a lawyer: http://www.startupcompanylawyer….
The cool thing about these 3 sources is that they are a set of documents, i.e. they can take you from term sheet and all the way through to closing the investment round.
For a bit more complex and later stage docs you can see:
4) Wilson Sonsini term sheet generator:…
5) Orrick term sheet generator:
6) The Funded:… (also a full set of docs).
If you want more reading on this topic you can also check out these links:……
There was quite a debate back in Q2 2009 around this topic and you’ll be able to find lots of views from then. Reading these articles helps get a really good understanding of the contents of the docs and you can then form your own view on how you take your funding documentation process forward.
1) Y Combinator Series AA:
2) Series Seed:
3) TechStars:
Yokum Taku does a great job at comparing them and explaining pros and cons of using these vs. using a lawyer: http://www.startupcompany
The cool thing about these 3 sources is that they are a set of documents, i.e. they can take you from term sheet and all the way through to closing the investment round.
For a bit more complex and later stage docs you can see:
4) Wilson Sonsini term sheet generator:
5) Orrick term sheet generator:
6) The Funded:
If you want more reading on this topic you can also check out these links:
There was quite a debate back in Q2 2009 around this topic and you’ll be able to find lots of views from then. Reading these articles helps get a really good understanding of the contents of the docs and you can then form your own view on how you take your funding documentation process forward.

Innovator & CEO