#cifNsmart 2011 – Reinvent the Web – Spreecast
Spreecast on 2011-10-30 12:00:00 -0400 created by Florin Muresan – Florin Muresan’s Channel – Live Conference to Build the Smart Web, or Web 3.0

Spreecast on 2011-10-30 12:00:00 -0400 created by Florin Muresan – Florin Muresan’s Channel – Live Conference to Build the Smart Web, or Web 3.0
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.
Cif2.net Founders presents #cifNsmart 2011 – Live on the 30th of October — Sunday, October 30, 2011 — http://www.spreecast.com/events/cifnsmart-2011
This squirrel ate some fermented pumpkins and turns into the town drunk, trying and failing to climb a tree, then chasing his tail in circles. What a lightweight.
Every Saturday I will read the magazines I have on my iRiver Story and write the main ideas from the most interesting articles, making sure to specify the issues I got that info from.
There are many things to consider when building a great community and you want it to be very useful for your consumers. Things like great content which they can follow.
That’s why I’ve made our Twitter account great, by having it share what cif2 users post on their blogs and smartsites, so that they can get traffic and viewers to their cif2.net websites from day 1!
We will tell you more about it on the 30th of October 2011, during #cifNsmart 2011 http://www.cif2.net/cifnsmart-pag11272.html
I know we’ve said this a couple of times over Social Media, since the 1st of October, but now it’s official and you should start registering for the event. Register here! Check the bottom of this post to see more information. More updates will follow Tomorrow. Also, check our blog often until the event to get info on the Panels and the band we’re going to bring + T-Shirts and Prizes.Event management for #cifNsmart 2011 – Live on the 30th of October powered by EventbriteIt’s the first. Let us help you create a profesional website using the latest website builder just for free.