It’s all about the details

It always is. Especially when designing an interface for a modern startup.


A very small thing can thoroughly change the way your website is perceived by people and how much they like it from the first sight. And I want it to be love-at-first-sight.


Especially since I wouldn’t want Barney Stinson coming around and saying: “Lemon Law !”

Florin Muresan
Innovator & CEO
Everything In Life Is Touched by Digital Magic. I brought Digital Magic Into The World Through 29 Products I’ve Built and Sold World-Wide

Great Great Great ! Pizza, Fab and How to Web Cluj, Florin Muresan

Sweet !


So it’s gonna be a long nighter again, working on some details. But I have Pizza and I just got a Forever Fab energizer, which is like yumm-yumm 😀


And, I’ve just registered for How To Web Cluj, on the 9th of June 2011 😉


Check it out:





Oh, and did I get to brag to you guys about the fact that I’ve reached FUSION level in ?


Yeah, I’m friggin’ awesome 😀


level 10 in

Florin Muresan
Innovator & CEO
Everything In Life Is Touched by Digital Magic. I brought Digital Magic Into The World Through 29 Products I’ve Built and Sold World-Wide

WordPress is not a scam, this was a Test, to show how great is for indexing

WordPress as you may know wants to be a leading blog-building platform.


It doesn’t have anything REAL to offer, just some basic stuff which you can’t really customize without having to get tons o’ money out of your pockets and frankly it’s a miserable experience.


Blogspot is a way better idea and also Posterous.


I’ve written this Pamphlet post just to show that is awesome and it’s SEO is great ! Thank you. WordPress is quite ok.

Florin Muresan
Innovator & CEO
Everything In Life Is Touched by Digital Magic. I brought Digital Magic Into The World Through 29 Products I’ve Built and Sold World-Wide

Groupon Clones Script

Groupon Clones Script
For new Startups                               

Pure Groupon
Get started in the Daily Deals business in max. 7 days
Find out how a Groupon, Living Social or any other Daily Deals business runs:
It’s a very good startup idea with very small investment, that can bring you money in no time.


Very easy to place offers and manage the website.

E-mail Marketing. Done the right way. Automatically.

Awesome SEO. We’re talking about SEO made at expert level here.

Video Integration and Social Media.

It’s built by, a leading Webdesign and Internet Services Company, with over 10.000 clients since 2007.

More then just Daily Deals & Discounts

Our Script Makes Your Experience Better !

All the Reports you’ll ever need to easily keep track of clients and sales.

It has automatic Voucher generation and Invoices for clients.

Google Maps integration, so you don’t have to manually place maps on the website and on the client’s vouchers.

Social Media integration, to make your website go Viral and drive serious sales.

Don’t just take our word for it !

They use our Script, and like it. Here’s an oppinion for you:

“I love this product. We bought Groupon Clones Script and had our website running in 3 days. We sold 21 deals in the first 2 days. People enjoy our website and it’s very easy for us to use.”

– Felix, CEO of Oferte Ieftine .ro, a fast rising Daily Deals startup from Romania.

Bonus: Contest Ideas !

with your purchase of Groupon Clones Script. This will make your website go Viral and gain a serious fan-base from the Start !

You will receive the script by e-mail in max. 3 days after the payment.
Florin Muresan
Innovator & CEO
Everything In Life Is Touched by Digital Magic. I brought Digital Magic Into The World Through 29 Products I’ve Built and Sold World-Wide

[ COMUNICAT ] Premii in valoare de 3000 Euro pentru primul Website Smart

Comunitatea online va alege care va fi primul Website Smart dezvoltat in Romania. Site-ul ales in etapa finala va fi premiat cu 3000 de Euro, constand in servicii de modernizare si transformare in Website Smart. Firma Cifnet va efectua aceste servicii, iar votarea site-urilor se va face pe pagina lor oficiala de Facebook:

Cluj-Napoca, 30 Mai 2011 –In  Romania, este inca ceva neobisnuit sa faci cumparaturi de pe Internet. Motivele sunt lipsa de incredere atat in calitatea produselor si veridicitatea ofertei, cat si in siguranta platii. Pe de alta parte, multe site-uri au un aspect invechit, iar corectitudinea lor nu poate fi verificata.

Siteurile cu multi clienti sunt cele moderne adaptate la tehnologia 2.0, cu blog de companie, cu pagina de facebook si cu twitter sau alte tehnologii.

Fiecare dintre noi poate indragi un wesite care ne-a oferit un deal bun sau ne-a servit prompt si corect, dar care incepe sa-si piarda din atractivitate din cauza designului invechit si a lipsei tehnologiei moderne.

La o asa concurenta, siteul tau preferat pierde teren pe piata virtuala.

Cifnet spune “Desteapta-te, site-ule !” tuturor astfel de siteuri din comunitatea online din Romania si cheama membri comunitatii la concursul “Primul Website SMART”.
Premiul consta intr-un pachet de produse si servicii in valoare de 3000 Euro, un Certificat Cifnet, care sa ateste firma sau persoana pentru care a fost creat noul Website Smart. Designul castigator va fi ales de comunitate prin voturi online.
Dupa desemnarea site-ului “de suflet”, publicul va avea la dispozitie un jurnal de dezvoltare, in care se va putea urmari progresul si transformarea acestuia in primul Website Smart din Romania.
“Ganditi-va putin la primul Nokia 3310 pe care l-ati avut. L-ati iubit pentru ca v-a fost mereu alaturi, pentru ca era aproape imposibil de stricat si pentru ca va puteati baza pe el mereu. Timpul si progresul tehnologic insa, ne-au facut sa migram spre Black Berry sau iPhone si dragul nostru 3310 a disparut complet din viata noastra. Deseori, ne mai gandim la el. Mai vorbim despre el cu prietenii. Ar fi fost super sa-l putem imbunatatii si astazi sa ne mai putem bucura de el, asa e ? Pentru Nokia 3310-le vechi nu putem face asta, dar vrem sa o facem pentru website-ul vostru preferat.” spune Florin Muresan, Branding Officer-ul

Ce este un Website Smart ?

“Din cate stim noi, acesta va fi primul Website Smart realizat in Romania. Nu doar telefoanele si televizoarele, cum sunt televizoarele Google TV, pot fi Smart. Noi lucram deja de un an la o platforma de creare a website-urilor Smart si le facem cu adevarat inteligente, in sensul ca acestea sunt site-uri care “cresc”, castiga experienta in functie de cat de mult se lucreaza la ele si la aspectele care fac chiar si un website simplu sa fie un website de valoare pentru mediul online. Sunt site-uri care iti spun cat de mult trebuie sa mai lucrezi pe o anumita directie, pentru a obtine rezultate targetate. De exemplu, daca ai un blog, acesta iti spune exact ce trebuie sa faci ca sa ai un numar potrivit de articole pe blog si sa alfe lumea de tine. Pe langa asta, sunt si diverse aplicatii care sa te ajute sa iti dezvolti activitatea personala sau afacerea.” declara Calin Vingan, CEO-ul

Desteptarea site-urilor din Romania va avea si un “Jurnal al desteptarii”, pe care vor fi comunicati pasii de cautare a celui mai indragit si invechit website din mediul online. Participantii vor sugera site-uri, iar implicarea fiecaruia va fi rasplatita cu
medalii si distinctii notate in jurnalul online.

Participantii vor scrie sugestiile si optiunile personale pe pagina de Facebook Cifnet:

Un proiect dezvoltat in stransa legatura cu comunitatea online romaneasca. ofera servicii de webdesign si diverse produse pentru dezvoltarea si promovarea afacerilor online. A fost fondat in 2007 si de atunci a lucrat cu numerosi clienti din intreaga tara. Include un sistem propriu de CMS, care a fost folosit pana acum de 10.000 membri. In 2011 si-au propus sa Ridice Website-uri de Valoare in mediul online romanesc.

Florin Muresan, Branding Officer-ul firmei, e disponibil pentru interviu sau pentru a da mai multe informatii. (intra direct pe telefon)

Florin Muresan
Innovator & CEO
Everything In Life Is Touched by Digital Magic. I brought Digital Magic Into The World Through 29 Products I’ve Built and Sold World-Wide

Organize your stuff !

Always. Organize. Well, whenever you have the chance anyway.


Organizing your files may seem like a pain in the ass, but it will help you get the job done right. Especially if you’re a person with many things on your mind.


May take some time => but done right, it bring Results ! Big results, otherwise you only waste time writing stuff you never get to use, because you forget about them.

So get off your chair. Right now. Buy something to drink. Beer, juice, whatever. Then get to organizing your files. You’ll see in the following days that your job just became easier.

Plus, the beer’s good, right ?

Florin Muresan
Innovator & CEO
Everything In Life Is Touched by Digital Magic. I brought Digital Magic Into The World Through 29 Products I’ve Built and Sold World-Wide

twitter buys tweetdeck

Word has been circulating for weeks now that Twitterwas soon to be swooping up the popular third-party app, TweetDeck. In early May, Mike Arrington reported that the deal was as good as done, but the two companies were not yet willing to publicly release the numbers. Today, CNN and CNET broke the news that TweetDeck has been acquired by Twitter for $40 million. Twitter has yet to officially confirm, but judging by what we’re hearing from sources close to the deal, it’s done and done.


As you may remember, the story of TweetDeck’s acquisition has changed a bit since February, as reports indicated at that point that TweetDeck was on the verge of being acquired by Bill Gross’ UberMedia — the price speculated at between $25 and $30 million. And, as it seems, Twitter was having none of that. They apparently rushed in with a counteroffer — an offer now proved to be on that TweetDeck couldn’t refuse. You can check out TechCrunch EU for the full story on how it all went down.


It seems that Twitter just wasn’t comfortable with allowing UberMedia to snatch another chunk of market share. After all, Twitter can’t just go allowing Twitter-related startups and products to fall into the hands of those companies that aren’t Twitter. Just ask UberTwitter and EchoFon, for example. As Mike reported in early May, sources close to Twitter revealed that an UberMedia acquisition would give them too much leverage over Twitter, and so the bidding war (or really, non-war) was on.

Florin Muresan
Innovator & CEO
Everything In Life Is Touched by Digital Magic. I brought Digital Magic Into The World Through 29 Products I’ve Built and Sold World-Wide

How to Kickstart your FB Page and get many fans ?

This is one of the biggest problems nowadays, since FB did that little trick at the end of March 2011, when they took out the Suggest Page to Friends functionality and changed it with something bogus.


Well, dear friends, i have experimented a brand new method of getting fans today. And it works. I won’t brag too much, but this thing I discovered resembles my old idea of AFF Net and I was so happy when I found out that someone made something like it. Especially that they’ve made it very easy for the model to work.


It’s a place where you Follow people on Twitter and Fan pages on Facebook. By every such action, you receive seeds, which you may later on pay back to people who will want to follow your profile or fan your Facebook page. 


Ideea: You follow. They Follow.


Start growing your fans today .

Florin Muresan
Innovator & CEO
Everything In Life Is Touched by Digital Magic. I brought Digital Magic Into The World Through 29 Products I’ve Built and Sold World-Wide

With Great Responsabilities come Great Internet Opportunities – You just have to mine them

Being the CBO of, which is currently just a small startup with a huge vision for changing user experience on the Internet and reaching web 3.0, is a really tough job sometimes, because I have to struggle with our very incredibly small funds, which we make ourselves from our other project developed in Romania and called Cifnet. We can not re-route all the resources we make with that project into this, because it is a very serious project with more then 10.000 clients. But the extra that we make, we send to our little


And there is a responsability to all this, because the idea is great and we have to work a lot to develop it, while also being fully commited to Cifnet and it’s clients. But when things seem to go South, what do you do ? Hope for the End of the World in 21st of May 2011 ? Nope, you search for various new opportunities which will fit in the very tight schedule and budget you have available.


So let me tell you, dear friends: the Internet is a gold mine of information and development potential. You just have to make your research and then you may tap into it, 100% and get your results.

Florin Muresan
Innovator & CEO
Everything In Life Is Touched by Digital Magic. I brought Digital Magic Into The World Through 29 Products I’ve Built and Sold World-Wide