Well, it’s very cool, it is. Some problems might intervene, like the one with the @twitter searches, but overall it’s great.
And maybe sometimes that’s the problem. Yes, I’m serious. I really got all excited about everyone loving the prizes and being so happy for winning and eager to take part in the Cif Talk event and… well I risk going off-topic with the main ideeas.
I guess that the biggest problem is forgetting that while a PR campaign has to serve the general public, it also has to serve the interests of your company. This doesn’t mean you can’t be happy about it and enjoy it very much, it’s just that you have to be careful not to fall away from the target you try to reach.
So what I did today was to actually take the classical paper and pen and write down W-H-A-T I-S I-T S-U-P-P-O-S-E-D T-O D-O ? Exactly, I’ve re-asked myself that.
You should try it yourself. That way you can easily keep track of what you want to achieve with your PR campaign and keep it close in sight, find out where you fell short and think about how to use that and turn it into something better, or just try to understand why and how it didn’t work, so you know the next time.
PR-ing implies a lot of experimentation. Maybe that’s why I love it so much π