Scrie pe foaie un feature pe care il vei lansa, according to Product Roadmap si cum vei masura ca acel feature a avut impact / a adus schimbare / a facut mai buna experienta userului
exemplu. cum poti lucra daca nu stii ce lucrezi?
la ce intrebare raspunde partea de metrice? de ce avem metrice? why do we need them?
cum faptul ca studiem numerele ne ajuta sa controlam ce se intampla in business / produs.
you need a system that always lets you know if the business is healthy or nto.
Phase 1 -> Phase 2 -> Phase 3
Build Product -> Phase 2 -> Make a Huge Exit / Shitloads of Money / Awesome IPO
Well what is phase 2 ? how can you navigate it? You can’t navigate it without a map? You can have good maps or bad maps. You can have maps which make no sense with you. When you’re in a car trying to get somewhere, will it help you to know the electric grid map of that place?
Cum crezi ca ai putea sa pilotezi un avion fara sa ai senzori si semnale legat de curs, viteza, altitudine, navigational system, etc.?
Scrie pe foaie un feature pe care il vei lansa, according to Product Roadmap si cum vei masura ca acel feature a avut impact / a adus schimbare / a facut mai buna experienta userului
strange metrice. toate evenimentele. cat mai multe. sa le ai. sa poti interoga cand vrei.
simuleaza un sistem de genul care strange chestii. ca sa poti vedea lucruri pe care 100% nu le vei dori niciodata.
Act On.
Aici ai nevoie de metrice which you will always act on *currently. in the current stage of your business / product.
Report Metrics. Operational Metrics.
sa vezi ca merg sistemele tale. sa poti vedea clar cand sistemele tale dau fail.
Cohort Analysis.
sa poti vedea behaviour / usage changes over time, and especially according to communication strategy and product roadmap.
communication strategy -> why do? why important?
product roadmap -> if do changes without metrics, you do them for nothing at all.
Metrice / Checklists.
checklists in loc de 0 1 (mai ales in conditii in care nu stii ce numar sa pui, dar ai nevoie de indicator care arata ca lucrurile se intampla?)
cooperare clara intre metrice (co-hort analysis) si product roadmap
operationale. tra sa mearga (fii sigur ca o sa chiar mearga)
youll always need to watch operationals
calitate feature (fa indici de calitate ai feature-ului)
adoptie feature nou plus teste a / b / c / d tests.
kill a feature to test reactions
measure number of incoming messages @ support. measure how angry ppl are
aarrr metrics
onboarding metrics
get qualitt of product market fit
if tomorrow exoexo didn’t exist how would it make you feel? okay, neutral, not impressed, sad, angry, reaally angry.
keep evolving and readapting in time.
your whole system should re-adapt and re-evlove in time.
version update metrics – shows if communicatiob of new releases is bad
nice to have must have
only metrics you can act now
gathering system vs actually studied weekly system
metrics you communicate to investors
metrics presented to the board
cac ltv aov churn free to pro trial to pro
saas metrics according to changes in billing system
quora clarity haro ask do research avc bothsides of the table pattio mc kenzie software selling
do benchmarks. youre too inexperienced to understand whar those numbers mean otherwise
habit forming metrics based on a habit forming framework
cohort analysis
coreelate metrics to users according to user new account creation period
how much usgae per day in how many days since joining
common actions performed by most people who end up buying
understand usage thru clear metrics so you can do better pricing and product limits.then sell higher plans or addons
how many users ended up on pricing page
how many sent to step one step two step three.
metrics for successful finalization
which features in what part of the lifecycle
daily usage metrics
weekly usage metrics
hotjar to metrics <<– very important in product quality studies.
lucru fisa de lucru
peer review
fisa delucru impartita in fc de categorii mari
print si pixuri
overall, cohort, at user level.
userii care cumpara in primele 5 zile folosesc de atatea ori featureurile astea.
pe urma iti modifici onboarding ca sa ii faci pe SI mai multi dintre ei sa faca actiunile care duc la purchase
ce evaluez?
– daca stiu cand trebuie sa foloseasca overall / cohort / per user metrics si reports. << sa imi dea in scris 3 exemple la fiecare tip (descrise ca use cases)
– sa gaseasca metrice care sunt actionable. (tot ce nu e actionable si pe care nu vor lucra, nu ma intereseaza)
– sa stranga date despre cat mai multe evenimente, ca sa poata construi sistem in care sa interogheze baza de date legat de comportament cohorta / overall / user.
– Weekly / Daily / Monthly / Quarterly
– sa vad ce scriu la AARRR
– O idee de path to purchase. Cata folosinta din cate features conduce spre cumparare?
– sa studieze usage de feature per user over time. Ce feature foloseste acel user in fiecare zi, minim o data la 3 zile, minim o data pe saptamana, minim o data pe luna, minim o data pe quarter?
– fa assumptions legat de asta ^^ . pe urma cand ai produsul testeaza sa vezi daca lucrurile se intampla asa cum you assumed.
– o sa le dau un exemplu negativ la inceput. GEN: ASA NU. ca sa stie o varianta varza de reportate, lipsa de rapoarte, ce se poate intampla daca ei nu studiaza nimic.
exemplul cu text briefcase care a generat tot mega usaguel pe care il avem azi la noul feature. pana la acel text nu exista usage.