Waiting for Sushi . Ask me anything you want. Just hit reply.
Just make sure you hit that reply button.
I’m serious about this. Remember: 39 students right now are reading this in the FourHour SEO coaching from Squirrly SEO plugin.
The faster you reply, the higher your chances of me answering your questions (and not the questions of other people who hit reply faster than you).
Anyway, I’m at one of our offices and waiting for great food from a nice Sushi place, so while I’m waiting (hungrily) I can take your questions.
You’ve probably already looked at the critical Google ranking factors email I’ve sent, or you’ve started the 14 Days Journey. You must have some questions or ideas.
Be the first mover. You might get just the reply you need to get on the right path with web traffic.
Look, if you wanna be serious about SEO and performance, then you really need to start acting the part. How often does an internationally-renowned marketing expert tell you he’ll answer questions for free?
Also, I’m not going to try and force you to buy anything, since you’re already using the best plugin for WordPress.
Oh man, how much more until the Philadelphia rolls arrive?
Stay hungry,
Florin Muresan
CEO of Squirrly