in Thinking

Steve Jobs spoof of IBM – Blue Busters (1984)

There was a time when IBM was bigger, powerful and ruthless than Apple and  co-founder SteveJobs was just a small man with a big vision to define tech industry. It turns out he was not only technology enthusiast also a fine actor, In 1984, Jobs played the part of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in a short film. Wise and Wicked!

In the new video, Apple co-founder (AAPL)  Steve Jobs  parodies the comedy film, Ghostbusters. Jobs, with an Apple computer strapped to his back, is a member of the “Blue Busters,” which is a reference to the “Big Blue” nickname given to IBM. Titled ’1944,’ it was shot entirely in black and white and depicts Apple and IBM as enemies in World War II.

Florin Muresan
Innovator & CEO
Everything In Life Is Touched by Digital Magic. I brought Digital Magic Into The World Through 29 Products I’ve Built and Sold World-Wide

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