in Thinking

Go Find New Keyword roots. Then get them through KR from Squirrly

3 golden tools to find untapped keywords
If you want to explode your horizon when it comes to which keywords are demanded by your audience (and what demanded content to write about) these 3 tools are pure gold:

1. MetaGlossary suggests related terms.
2. FAQFox finds questions that your target audience asks online.
3. Udemy. The curriculum for each course in your niche hooks you up with a TON of keyword options.”

^^ that’s how you find base keywords.

Then do Deep Keyword Research with SQ SEO (business plan)

Florin Muresan
Innovator & CEO
Everything In Life Is Touched by Digital Magic. I brought Digital Magic Into The World Through 29 Products I’ve Built and Sold World-Wide

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