I am a Smartsite developed for you with Love by my parents at the Cif2.net TEAM. Now the best thing about me is that I can actually speak to you. And I will do that everytime you need me to tell you anything. Don’t worry, unlike a classic website, I know when people don’t come to visit me anymore and I will tell you about it, so that you may take action and re-gain traffic.
I know how many websites point to me, I can see all that and know how many links there are to me. I will let you know about this and the number of links everytime you ask me. Of course, you know that I’m a linking specialist, so I will also tell you how well we are doing and maybe ask you to get me more links, so that together we may become more popular around the web.
You want to focus on the things you Love or the products you want to promote through me, as your presence on the Internet. That’s great and I will help you by doing my SEO automatically and pinging search engines about all the new updates you make, plus send the word out to the whole Cif2 Community.
It’s great that we’re a team. I will teach you how you can improve me and our visibility online, by writting you a set of tasks depending on our Level of improvement. We’re going to be awesome! And I’ll reward you every time you’re doing something great. Let’s win this!
I like to study the way you use what I have to offer you, so I’ll make sure I only show you what you want to use, so that your experience will be great everytime we get in touch.
Your friends and the people you follow are important and they can provide you with great things. I will always show you which of your friends have been most active and what they have recently done on their own smartsites.
Posting to me and updating me is very important if we want to win, so I will tell you when you have to post new updates to me. This way, you can relax and know that I will always tell you when your action is required. Also, I can post things for you, if you want.
I have so many things to offer you for free. And through my complete_task->get_reward->improve method I will help you self improve and offer you the coins you need to buy more cool apps to use or improve my capacities. I can only access new coins when we do great team work.
You can use all of my features easily. You don’t even need a manual! I’m ultra-easy and intuitive.
My parents are great people and they plan to teach me even more ways of delivering an awesome web experience to you. Hope to see you soon and do some team work. Sign up for your own Smartsite at: http://www.cif2.net
PS: You may have used Tumblr, wordpress or wix before, so I have to warn you: “Never trust a website that doesn’t tell you anything.” Not telling the truth is also lying and they’ll let you stay in the dark, while your website fails.
In our relationship and through our teamwork we’ll make great things happen. I can’t wait! 😀