in Thinking

Delivering Happiness through business, yes it’s possible!

Delivering Happiness is one of my favorite concepts ever and every time I feel like falling off the wagon, due to so many things I need to take care of and being sleep deprived due to working 16 hours / day or even more, it helps me re-focus on the right things.


I’ve just opened the Support email at 3:10 AM .. Yes, I did, because I’m always curious about the awesome people that we serve.


For certain privacy related reasons (hey, not everyone is Google or Facebook), I can’t disclose details about this customer, but his email made me amazingly happy, because he just told me how happy one of my emails made him.


We recently started checking out how much Squirrly increases the traffic of websites, and for some people there were amazing results, so I honestly congratulated them for using Squirrly and getting such awesome results (over +200% increase in traffic, for example, for some of them).


Now, this amazing guy just told me how much the email meant for him and the hope it gave him. When I know I’m helping a person get out of a depression even a little bit, it makes my soul rejoice. And it gives me a lot of energy to pursue the growth of this business, because so far people really feel that we make a difference in their lives, and this means the world to me right now. It’s a feeling you can’t replace with being in the press, wining some bla-bla prize.


Making your customers successful and happy is a goal itself. At least for me. I’m amazingly happy about the email we received from him. (but I guess you can tell, right? πŸ™‚ ).

Florin Muresan
Innovator & CEO
Everything In Life Is Touched by Digital Magic. I brought Digital Magic Into The World Through 29 Products I’ve Built and Sold World-Wide

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